I never really thought about vaccines growing up because what kid does? You got your shot, cried a little bit, and got over it. Then vaccines started bounding into the spotlight because of the rise of autism in children. It seemed to make sense. Vaccines are becoming more routine and autism is becoming more common. We have a correlation, but do we have a cause and effect?
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Apparently, I don't love or protect Logan |
When you make the choice of not vaccinating or delaying vaccination people look at you as if you said, "I beat my kid with a canoe paddle everyday." It's not that I think that Logan will become autistic once he's vaccinated; I just think we're not fully informed.
Have you ever watched a commercial about a new drug on the market? During the commercial they show happy bouncy people doing fun things; while in the background, in a subdued voice, you hear the horrible side effects. They start off with normal side effects like dry eyes, itchy nose, and trouble sleeping. Then later, you hear the more disconcerting side effects like anal explosions, suicidal thoughts, and death. Sometimes your ailments sound better than the side effects. Now if there are these side effects with regular drugs. What could be the side effects with vaccines?
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Roseola makes for a fun Easter! |
I believe the reason drug companies are pushing so hard for vaccinations is for profit. They make a shit load of money on vaccines. This is another article that shows the tremendous profit that vaccines make. This article states that Gardasil is predicted to jump to $3 billion in profits by 2012. I also found another article by Dr. Sears that states that Md's sometimes get financial incentives for the number of patients they vaccinate per quarter. Now if you were a greedy bastard with no moral compass would you care if your product could potentially harm people? Look what the cigarette companies did KNOWINGLY to their consumers. I'm afraid that what happened with the cigarette companies is what the future holds for pharmaceutical companies.
However, I do not believe that all vaccines are terrible. Logan has gotten some on a delayed schedule and will continue to get more as he gets older. There will be some that he will never get unless for some reason he wants to when he gets older. I do think that some vaccines are necessary. I think the Gardasil vaccine is a good idea when your child reaches the age where they become sexual beings. I also think the Hep A & Hep B vaccines are a good idea at the same age as the Gardasil vaccine. Some vaccines do not need to be given right at birth like they currently recommend, but can wait till the child is older. One thing I should mention that most people probably don't know is this: you generally don't need all the shots you're given during a series vaccination like the Hep B. Usually you're immunized after the first shot, but you could be the 50% that isn't. It's cheaper to just give you the three shots than to test your immunization after each shot. This is not opinion, but 100% fact. Our pediatrican actually did this with Logan. He tested him after every shot to see if he was already fully immunized.
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I'm a little biased... |
With the type of vaccine schedule that we have done with Logan. He has only been sick twice since the day he was born. He had roseola Easter of 2011 and he had a minor cold this past year. Now I'm not 100% sure if it's because we delayed vaccinations. There are other factors as well. I breastfed him exclusively till 6 months and he weaned himself at 15 months. He has also never been to daycare, but he has played with groups of children. I also know that some of the children were sick because I got sick after seeing them, but he did not. I hate to give the day care example because people say that is the main reason children get sick. Yes one sick child will expose the sickness to a group, but it's not limited to a day care setting. Another good example is my mom was sick and a week later I got sick. Guess who didn't get sick...Logan!
I remember talking to our former pediatrician in Rhode Island and we discussed Andrew Wakefield. We talked about how his name was tarnished and his medical license was taken away. Our pediatrician also mentioned that in his readings he found that Wakefield might not be as wrong as everyone thought. I have to remind you that our pediatrician is a holistic one because a mainstream pediatrician would probably not agree with me. Now when I was looking up the information about Andrew Wakefield, I found an interesting tidbit. The other doctor in the studies was given his medical license back. If you read the article it's an interview with Andrew Wakefield that is pretty interesting.
When I was face booking, like I do every 20 minutes, I found a great post on my friend Audry's wall. Our other friend from high school Cecily mentioned a book, Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages. I have been dying to read it, but it's kinda expensive. I want to read more about Dr. Tenpenny before I buy the book. I did check out Dr. Tenpenny's website and there is a lot of vaccination information listed.
I find that the pro-vaccination information is becoming much like propaganda. There was a Law & Order SVU episode that made me really notice how crazy it was becoming. In season 10 the episode Selfish (nice title right?) starts off much like the Caylee Anthony case with Hilary Duff playing a Casey Anthony like figure. The twist is it wasn't the mother who murdered her child, but a NON VACCINATED child. Tim and I sat there like what the fuck just happened? Did you seriously blame a non vaccinated child and his anti-vaccination mother for murder?
My question to people has always been if your child is vaccinated how would my non vaccinated child effect you? Shouldn't the vaccine be 100% effective against the disease? Isn't that why you vaccinated your child? Now the child in this episode wasn't the appropriate age for the MMR vaccine because she was not quite a year old. However, in most cases shouldn't the vaccine work? I thought vaccines were infallible and I was a horrible psycho for not vaccinating. Oh wait, vaccines are actually not infallible that's why you keep having to get boosters and they are never 100% guaranteed to work. This article I found, discusses a study that found that eating microwave popcorn lessens the efficacy of vaccines. First of all, what the hell is in microwave popcorn that this actually happens? Second, I thought vaccines were indestructible. In order to get a vaccine to work you have to put your child in a plastic bubble in order to avoid other children. They can only drink filtered water and eat unprocessed food (which I have to admit is not the worse thing).
The pro-vaccination crusade has really done a number on those who go against them. I am not really into conspiracy theories, although I really did like the movie Conspiracy Theory. I just think it boils down to greed. Drug companies keep getting richer and they don't care who they step on to get even more money. The way they prey on your fear is a sick way of convincing you to vaccinate your child. The billboards, commercials, and articles I see make you feel as if you belong in a psych ward if you choose non vaccination. I'm sure there is anti vaccination propaganda that makes the pro vaccinators feel like crap. I haven't found one, but if you do let me know. One last thing that I found interesting, was the post I read on the Vaccine Times website. It's a pro vaccinator commenting on a post by an anti vaccinator. It's about the 5 worst misconceptions that pro vaccinators have in regards to anti vaccinators.
In previous blogs I've always taken a you do your thing, I do my thing approach to parenting. I feel the same way when it comes to vaccines. You do your thing, I do mine let's not call each other horrible parents. When my child kills your child just make sure you're the trashy Casey Anthony type. Then I can win the courtroom case against you like in SVU. We spend so much time lecturing and arguing with each other about how our kids should be raised. Meanwhile, who is actually raising our kids?
One question I want to leave you with is this: I believe drug companies are the new tobacco companies. Will it be another 40 years till we finally figure this out?
I think people are realizing it, but our generation, unfortunately, doesn't have what it takes to fight for anything. I feel as if people see all the horrible crap happening, shrug their shoulders, and then go on their merry way, simply because it doesn't significantly effect their daily routines enough to really upset them. Additionally, perhaps, they feel the problem is to enormous for their action(s) to make any real impact. Any intelligent person can see the charade these companies and even doctors are trying to put on. I do believe that vaccines were initially developed for the greater good of mankind. However, the way they are exploited is not for the good of humanity any longer. It is the wealthy and powerful elite controlling the 'weak'. I have to disagree with you about the Gardisil vaccination. You should research the WHO and the tetanus vaccinations that they distributed in Nicaragua that were laced with something that could make women infertile or have spontaneous abortions. They only recommended the vaccine for women, too. If they can impose sterility in such a large number of people so easily, I am definitely going to be leary of any new recommended vaccines for my boys.
ReplyDeleteGreat comment Audry! I agree with you, our generation is the "ehh it's too much effort" generation. Sometimes we blindly go about our daily tasks and don't ask questions. You are right vaccines were created with a good purpose in mind, but greed got involved.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to look that up about the vaccines in Nicaragua because that sounds seriously shady. Why would only women be required to get it? Wouldn't men or children have the same exposure to tetanus? It's a little coincidental that their fertility was effected. I hope they were unknowing "test subjects", but I wouldn't put it past humans. Oh, I just looked it up they also did the vaccines in Mexico and the Philippines. Scary world we live in!